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                           daniel temkin
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           view artwork                         artist website
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/ˈrät āt ˈthau̇-zən(d)/ [Usenet: from "rotate alphabet 8000 places"], v. A Unicode update for the classic rot13 Caesarian cypher and an accompanying web tool in the style of ESR's rot13.com. rot13 is perfect for a 26 letter Roman alphabet, and rot47 works for ANSI. But the true International multilingual web experience integrated by Unicode requires a much larger offset. 8000 is half the size of the Basic Multilingual Plane, making it the reciprical cypher for Unicode (doing it twice restores the original text). However, it also bypasses 32 control characters, technically making it rot7968.

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             pl41nt3xt                           the wrong
             pavilion                      new digital art biennale
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